Sunday, December 02, 2007

Band Bears, Tourist Photos and Rock Wall Climbing!

After church we stopped at Barnes and Noble to get a gift for a party that Ben was attending this afternoon. We decided to step out to see the Santa and in addition to Santa, we found this "bear band".

After getting the gift we went to Ron's office for him to pick up his car and Ben and I to change clothes before heading to the party. I also took the opportunity to finally take some pictures from the 15th floor of his building. I've been wanting to do this everytime I visit his office (I know....I'm such a my own town!) but didn't want to be too dorky in front of his colleagues.

From there I took Ben to the gym for a rock-climbing birthday party for one of his classmates. Ben did a great job!

Practicing in the "rock" room.

Climbing the BIG wall! He made it half way up before deciding to come down.

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