Sunday, December 09, 2007

Sunday of Awards!

Our school's director received a call on Thursday that I had been selected as the VFW Post 4262 Teacher of the Year! This is to recognize excellence in teaching --- particularly citizenship and US history. They invited us to an "awarding" for today and Ron, the boys and I met Victoria and her son, Natondi there. After a terrific meal (chicken, ham, mac and cheese, corn, green beans.....some good ole country cooking!), I was presented with a check by the Post. $$ = YEA!! The post folks were very nice and I turned in a scrapbook for the district judging, which was taking place today. (In the photo I am pictured with the Post Commander and Post President)

Then this evening, we joined Ben's soccer team for the fall banquet at a local pizza place where he received his trophy for the season.

It was quite a day for us!

1 comment:

Alison said...

Congratulations Melanie on your terrific award!! You are very deserving! Good luck with the district judging!!

Also, way to go Ben - that's a nice looking trophy!!!