Sunday, January 13, 2008

My New Favorite Pastime --- Free Rice

I recently learned about Free Rice from GFWC Clubwoman magazine. It is so awesome!

The premise is a vocabulary challenge. You get a word and four possible definitions. For every correct definition you choose, 20 grains of rice are donated to the UN for world hunger!!! How incredible is that?!?!

The site is totally a good way. I have learned new words and helped our world at the same time. I'm even using it in my classroom to encourage my students to learn new words. We've set a goal of 100 grains per day and during free time on Friday, my students came up with their own idea to "challenge" each other to see who could raise the most grains of rice! One student (a fifth grader) donated ovver 1000 grains!

Go out and try it! I promise you won't be disappointed in the stretch it gives your brain or the stretch in food it will give hungry people! FREE RICE

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