So, why did I not use this opportunity to do something I love, you might ask yourself? First, when we moved here, in a sheer moment of gung-ho "we haven't used it in forever, lets throw it away" I did just that and threw away my trusty, wonderful, if well used, "speed" skates that I had for about 20 years. I haven't worn the high top, wobby rentals since I was about, ummmm, eight. I didn't think that today was the day that I should really try those after all. Secondly, this rink didn't have a wall. Now, I used to be a pretty good skater (even worked at a skating rink in high school), like I said, but on these less than stellar, poor performance, orange suede rentals, if I was going to risk life and limb, I at least wanted some semblance of a security blanket, I mean, wall to hold onto (at least at first!) I opted to help one of the little boys for by holding his hand while he learned to maneuver on wheels and then he, of course, got tired of me and was ready to fly! I then used the opportunity to catch up with my good friend Stephanie and chat with the other JWC girls there.

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