Friday, March 21, 2008

Friday Feast #184

Given the choice, would you prefer to live in the country or in the city? CITY.....just in case let me repeat it again....CITY!!!

Who is the cutest kid you know? My own, of course! (just check out the sidebar picture if you don't believe me!)

Fill in the blank: I couldn’t believe it when I heard ___________.

I couldn't believe it when I heard the police cars in Five Points bellowing, "Please take sheleter immediately" at St. Pat's. (It was quite surreal)

Main Course
If you could star in a commercial for one of your favorite products, which one would you want to advertise? I don't have an answer for this one...

What type(s) of vitamins and/or supplements do you take on a regular basis? none really. I occasionally take a multi-vitamin, but not on a regular basis at all.

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