Friday, March 07, 2008

St. Pat's Kick Off

Even though the big party is still a week away, 5 Points had a "kick off" tonight for St. Patrick's Day. After dinner, again this week, at the Salty Nut, we walked over to the fountain to find out about the dyeing of the fountain, get beads and buttons, Ben had green cookies and popcorn and meet Logan, the Leprachaun.

We had a half hour before the dyeing so we walked down the street to a few shops (bought a cup at the Greek Store and a great new blouse to wear for St. Pat's at Wish). Ron used the time to pass out some of the 100s of "St. Patrick's Day" cups from Jaycees. He had a blast giving them away and making people smile. I think he gave away one whole case! (We still have a few more cases in the car for next weekend.)

At 6:00 we headed back to the fountain, where a bag pipe band was performing as the kids dyed the fountain GREEN!! After a walk down to "Yappy Hour" (even though Maggie was at home we couldn't miss a trip to 3 Dog Bakery) for Boston Terrier Creme Pies. The owner even sent Maggie a shamrock cookie, which thrilled the Maggie-dog!

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1 comment:

The Muldrows said...

It sounds like you guys had a great time Friday night! I seriously need to go by Three Dog Bakery. I still haven't been.